The virtual conference

For the first time in the ICAA series, the conference will be held virtually! Obviously this decision originates from the COVID-19 sanitary crisis and the related difficulties for travelling and gathering a large audience.

Our intention is to take this opportunity to organize a different event, where the lack of physical meeting will be compensated by other advantages, and eventually allow for a different, wider spread of scientific results in the community:

- wider availability of presentations, which will be availble throughout the conference and up to one year afterwards

- platforms for live discussions and document sharing, such as papers related to the presentations

- much reduced registration fees, allowing for a large public to attend

- No difference between oral and poster, all authors can provide an oral presentation


Before the conference

As author, you have beeen asked to prepare a video file of your presentation. You will then upload the video file on the Vimeo Virtual Event platform, where it will be associated to the symposium where your abstract has been submitted, in a session together with talks on similar subjects. Further details will come shortly, you will receive a personal link by email to upload the video file. You can expect a deadline for preparing this video file around the end of september 2020. A few technical details:

- The maximum presentation time is 15 minutes for regular talks and ECR recipients talks, 25 minutes for plenary talks and invited talks

- The maximum file size is 120 Mb. If you prepare your video by powerpoint recording, it is likely that the file is much larger. However you can compress it, e.g. using the free software VLC. Encoding in h264 format is generally very efficient.

- All main video formats are accepted

As simple participant, you have nothing special to prepare!

One week before the conference

All presentations except the plenary lectures will be made available on the platform, carefully organized in symposia and sessions, so that each participant can schedule the visioning according to his schedule and time zone. Each presentation will have its own chatroom to ask questions for the live sessions during the conference week.

During the conference

After a live welcome address, each day will begin by a live plenary talk, followed by a dedicated discussion session. After the plenary session, parallel live discussions sessions (in videoconference mode) will be organized by session. All presenting authors of this session will be asked to be present, and will respond to questions asked in the chatrooms of their presentation as well as live questions. A general discussion of the session subject will be welcome, organized by the session chairman. It is foreseen that the total duration of these live sessions (including the plenary talks) will be 2 to 3 hours per day, so that it can be placed at the most convenient time for the different time zones and that attendees do not need to dedicate their full day to the event.

Afer the conference

The presentations will be available up to one year after the conference to those registered, except for authors wishing to withdraw them after the event. Networking through the platform will also still be available.


Setting up the platform is still in progress, more practical details will come!

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