Presenting authors information

- A personal link to upload your presentation on the conference platform has been sent to you by email. If you have not received this email, please check your spam box. In case of problem please contact:

- Once the conference platform is open, we kindly ask you to check if your video presentation is readable (sound, delay between sound and video, …). We will have no time to verify more than 200 videos!

- Your presentation is included in a session (except for plenary and ECR recipients). The discussion sessions are planned during the conference week, as you can see on the conference website. We ask you to be connected to the visio room during the discussion slot of your session, so that you can participate to the debate. There will be for each session a chairperson who will organize the discussion so that each paper of the session gets a fair discussion time. The discussion can then be continued after the session in the same visio room or in private visio rooms between interested participants.

- The dates and times of the discussion sessions are Grenoble times, please make sure to take into account the time difference. As the conference date is close to dayight savng time in France and in other countries, the time difference can be specific to the conference date. We apologize for the inconvenient times for presenters in Asia, Oceania or America.

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