Grenoble > About GrenobleGrenoble, land of science and innovationClick on the image below to watch a video presentation of Grenoble! > Grenoble, the world’s 5th most innovative city according to Forbes in 2013 and France’s 2nd largest research city
> France’s 2nd-largest metropolitan area in terms of engineers (in percentage of total jobs) > France’s favourite city among executives, after Paris, according to INSEE in 2010 > Grenoble-Isère is an international center at the heart of the Rhône-Alpes region, France’s 2nd-most and Europe’s 4th-most dynamic economic region > 65 000 students, including 9000 foreign students and 3 universities : Grenoble is the 1st most attractive French city for students (L’Etudiant Mag, 2016) > 156 659 inhabitants in Grenoble and 664 832 in the metropolitan area (INSEE 2010) Bureau des Congrès |Grenoble Convention Bureau |